Welcome to the wonderful world of oil painting.

We offer workshops in the introduction to oil painting for all levels of artists. Small groups of hands-on classical learning. Master only the techniques you need to develop your own personal style and signature while you discover the techniques, tips and secrets of this timeless art form.


Join your fellow Artists in presenting your style and signature to the public.


Get together to attend local and international events. Meet the Professionals.


Become a member of our online shop ~ Selling Art, Prints and Products of your own work.

Enroll today in 3 easy steps

Join us now!

1 * Take a screen shot and print.

2 * Fill it in.

3 * Send me a photo via WhatsApp.

and I will get back you right away.

Start anytime.

Choose your own projects.

Small cozy classes.

Hands-on tuition.

Buy art materials only when you need them.

Only purchase your workshop once your seat has been booked & confirmed by your art master Leone Tonkinson.

Book a Workshop